Thursday, March 5, 2020

Some Ideas for Interesting Chemistry Research Topics

Some Ideas for Interesting Chemistry Research TopicsChemistry research topics can be difficult to decide on. You may have an idea in your mind of a topic that you know it is very interesting. When you get stuck, here are some ideas you can consider.These are all fun science projects. Making a plant extract for yourself that is extremely poisonous would make you incredibly happy. You have seen the poison ivy plant at home, right? It looks like a flower, but its central core is poisonous. There are lots of fun ways to test the toxicity of your own plants.To be able to find the particular sample of this plant that you want to test, you will need to check and balance a standard known as Listerine. This is to keep the sample from being too toxic. You will need a luteinizing solution to give a more accurate reading of what is in the sample.With this method, you can go through a testing panel that involves time trial, the extraction process, and then finally you would be able to test the sa mples. This means that there will be two reagents and one analytical instrument and you will have a lab to try your samples out in. This will be fun for you and your friends.Can you imagine if you can have colloidal silver in your experiments? This would be extremely useful. You can also look into getting reagents to test different substances on by adding them to water to see what will occur. You could for example put iodine and then another substance such as glycerol and an indicator such as CT or ESS or something that reads more sensitive than these things. This would give you information about what the things are that you are using.This is a good way to test different additives in different areas. There are different reagents that are available for various substances. These can be useful for different types of experiments.This is all about testing simple samples. It's pretty easy, so you can do it yourself and you don't need to have anyone to do it for you. What are some other in teresting chemistry research topics?

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